Friday, February 12, 2021

Rain To Snow...A Very White Friday!!

I can't imagine having to depend/rely/use google and verizon for work or school from home (like many do in Louisa or other rural locations) because the service of both just SUCKS!!!! Experiencing getting you our pop up ads..SUCKS....and I realize this blog is free on google and it's just barely worth it..already had to retype...cuz google SUCKS!!!
Like many things in America...equality (for any but white men), work ethic and the last 4 years with a liar moron tweeting his way thru the presidency..working hard to create a civil war..and still his spineless sycophants in the congress manage to get to their knees to suck away...history...if there are humans in 50 years to record history..will not look kindly on the idiots supporting donny the destroyer..or history will be controlled by the state (Ghina) and they will be glorified as setting the stage for the new, fascist, total surveillance world ghina is striving for (and has mostly achieved) RIGHT NOW- 1984 in progress.
As usual, Earth cares not and also didn't care whether the rain glazed everything before changing to snow and dumping down 5" of the heavy white stuff here yesterday and into the wee hours. Ice storm forecast for Saturday and Tuesday..but, forecasts have been far from accurate; they still were saying 1-3" last night even as the snow continued to fall.. Today is a winter wonderland!! Dog don't like rain but he seems to love snow, been gone since 7 this morning!
Speaking of continuing, aftershocks near the Loyalty Isles, down into the lower 5, upper 4 range today but the subduction zone is still adjusting after the big slippage two days ago; will take awhile to realign all that released rockness as pressures begin to rebuild, the Pacific plate still feeling the crunch.
The Cumberland Gap region of Va/Tn with a couple of little shakes/adjustments today. 4.4 quake north of Martinique, wonder if that is a little magma movement or just usual boundary slippage. Above average quake number today but driven by the Loyalty aftershocks..
No space weather news today. By the time we see any sky far above Earth around here (Sunday..?) the moon will be a waxing crescent sliding up toward Mars.
Another 3,878 Americans died from the TrumpVirus yesterday, 475K total dead in USA; 12 states with over 100 deaths again, Cali still infecting and killing the most but Texas just joining the exclusive 40K dead club..and still in denial it's even happening.. Another (at least) 6 dead Texans yesterday in a hundred plus car & TRUCK pile up during an ice storm; adding to the nightmare, a fedex truck plowing at high speed into the already massive pile. Hauling ass in an ice storm, the American way!! They hadn't even dug through all the wreckage late last night, likely more bodies will emerge. Rain & snow did stop the mail here yesterday, even when only an inch or so on the roads..more of donny's debris - new postmaster cutting corners and hours and the TrumpVirus infecting workers...America is soooooo not great after 4 years of this treasonous traitor.
Time to get out, load up neighbors stove (and mine), track down a dog and explore the winter wonderland..Today On Earth. 

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