Saturday, February 27, 2021

Rain Lull..Not With TrumpVirus Deaths

Are we entering the Super bowl surge? Cali, Texico and Virginia lead the death list for yesterday..nice job Old Dominion, make us proud. 2,266 dead Americans yesterday, 510,000 total dead, over 78K new cases, so even as vaccinations seem to rise and J&J enters the vaccine club, Americans are still spreading the virus and dropping like flies. Maybe not quite the time to open the country to full party mode..the only normal remains, put a mask on your face, stop the virus flying round the place.
The annual collection of whining, clueless, plan-less rubes is meeting, cpac (crazy people attack committee) opens with Dread Cruz, who obviously thinks he's a stand-up comic..pathetic is not funny, traitorous is not funny, he is not funny, just sad. While, as the senator from Taxus should be home helping out, a million folks there still boiling water, and likely being overcharged by the power company to do so..if they actually have power, and he's ranting to a gang of idiots. Got no shame, spew the blame, got no republican. Recent pretender in chief makes an appearance later in the weekend, new lies or more of the same..he's not real creative or clever so likely just a rehash of his election conspiracy lies and poor me, treated so bad, send me more money; same con, same as it ever was.
Earth spins on, our wet night over, sun even trying to peek through the clouds. More rain expected tonight, tomorrow and into the start of March on Monday. Cool still but southern air is on the move, temps expected to rise as Saturday rolls on, even warmer Sunday. Tuesday morning seems our next shot at freezing temps. There was snow in the Shenandoah Valley yesterday but it's all rain for Va from here on out.
Several small shakes in Taxus, not far from Rio Grande, normal? (it is a rift zone) or fracking/salt water injection quakes? Iceland with more 5+ and 4+ shakes near the capital and its volcano..not good news there. Aussie/Pacific boundary with usual array of subduction moves but 5.6 near Fiji is only one other than Icelandic shimmy above 5 on the planet today.
My new Revo shades coming in handy as the sun actually breaks through. A bit lucky to get them, fedex driver too lazy to walk 50' around the house to bring to the door, left them laying off to the side in my driveway, wonder if he/she even got out of the truck or just tossed them out. I barely saw them laying then in the rain.
Sun is mostly spot free but still, it's a star and rather wild; solar wind remains speedy and dense and zapping Earth daily, more auroras up north but our magnetic field protecting the bulk of the planet from the worst of the daily dousing. Full Snow moon did light the clouds up even as the rain fell, another glowing evening of moonlight. Clouds are still winning the battle with the sun but the brightness does come and go, like the birds..who by now have already emptied two tube feeders. But, a lazy, rain averse dog needs a'walking, as do I, Today On Earth.
You know the rules: Stay safe, be smart, mask on, stay apart..TOE!

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