Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Storms, Quakes, Eruptions; Another Day on Earth

The Aleutians Islands (Fox Islands to be more accurate) were rocked today with a 6.9 magnitude quake as the Pacific plate slipped a little farther under the North American plate. Two volcanoes nearby are on the active list; slide a big chunk of earth under another and you get some melting and melted rock, being less dense is looking to move up and out to relieve the pressure. It's not just the Aleutians but all around the Pacific where subduction is stuffing basaltic sea floor under continents and even other ocean plates and creating the earthquake prone, volcano filled, Ring of Fire. Over the last week (and most weeks) that's where the quake action has been and where most all of the 20+ volcanoes that are firing a variety of  currently or recently molten materials into the air are found. Indonesia, Japan, Kuril & Aleutian Isles and from Mexico to Chile, quakes and volcanoes are rocking and rolling. No tsunami warning from today's big quake.
On the US mainland, California was a little shaky today, as well as up the coast in Oregon (overdue for a big one…) and the magnitudes are getting higher in Oklahoma; 4.6 quake today and the obligatory aftershocks. Courts have just ruled folks in the Sooner state can sue the oil companies for damages to homes caused by their fracking. I'm sure that will be fought and appealed - "couldn't be our blowing up of the earth that's causing those quakes...".
A front oozed into Virginia today firing up some big storms (none passed over the tirehouse) with high winds, heavy rain, hail and lots of lightning, big, nasty storms with more possible for tomorrow - or even overnight. We could use a little rain but the deluges are a little much; not like we have much choice, though. Earth being still in charge and quite chaotic. A bigger front is supposed to clear things out for the late week and weekend but for now it's warm and muggy here in the Old Dominion. The plains still swelter in the upper 90's and over 100 if you go south so low 90's and muggy we can handle.
The moon danced around Saturn over the last couple of nights as it continues to wax toward the second full moon of July, by some definitions a blue moon. I haven't spotted Venus or Jupiter the last few nights, clouds and low in the sky making the pair tricky to spot and that will get worse into August. Both will be in the morning sky by September. Two full moons away, the Harvest moon of September, will be the last easily visible lunar eclipse for several years, more to come on that as we get closer.
Hope it was calm and pleasant where you were today but that is seldom the case on this big, wild planet so whatever the day brings, you just have to get out and go for it, Today on Earth!

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