Monday, July 20, 2015

Seriously Sultry!!

There was no doubt this weekend that we are in mid-July, heat and humidity rule the east coast and being outside for long was a risky idea. Stepping from the air conditioned Earthship into the soup was like a big, hot, damp slap in the face. But, being from here, that's the reality of July and with shade and water it's really not that bad.  The good news forecast is for a couple more days of sultry before another cooler, drier air mass is expected to move in by mid-week. We're not quite 1/3 of the way through summer so not much to do but deal with it.
The Venus & Jupiter show has once again been joined with the monthly flyby of the moon and this weekend's show, while tricky with haze and clouds thrown in, was fine indeed. From the outdoor dining tables of Obrigado on Friday evening we could see still brilliant Venus with much dimmer Jupiter slowly easing off to the west or right but we had to get up and maneuver to see the sliver of the recently new moon; really, really faint. Friends took some convincing it was even there before that ahhhaa moment of discovery.
Saturday night I caught the show quite a ways before dark and couldn't see Jupiter but Venus was directly above the growing, but still waaaay thin crescent. Tonight the moon, moving about 12 degrees per day, was above and left of Venus and the haze and still dusky sky did not show Jupiter.  It will be toward the end of the coming week that the then gibbous moon will slide through Libra and by Saturn. But, it's a show every night that the haze (and heat) allows for the viewing off our planet to our solar system neighbors, don't be afraid to get out and check it out, today or tonight on or off Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Still loving the blog. I feel like I am a student and learning the fun stuff..with no tests!!!
