Saturday, July 25, 2015

Quarter Moon & Planets in Clear Skies

Half of the moon's lit surface was visible from Earth this evening (it was technically 1/4 moon just after midnight last night, but…we'll let that slide) and as the sky began to darken this evening Venus popped out low in the west.  It took awhile longer and a darker, clearer sky before Jupiter also appeared, moving back closer to the bright crescent of Venus as the two planets continue their spring/summer closing and conjunction. I hadn't been out close enough to dark to see Jupiter for a week, even with much more sky around the tire house, the two planets are too low in the west for me to spot without a wander down the street.
Saturn is still high in the south as darkness settles in, still perched above red Antares. The moon is getting closer to the ringed world and will be on either side of the second largest planetboth tomorrow and Sunday, check it out. Pleasant temps and low humidity are still making for nice evening outside wanders and sky viewings.
Looks like one more day of seasonal temperatures and un-Virginia like humidity levels. Next week is showing promise of a return to hot and humid. Mention was made on weather forecasts today of the stalled front over the Carolinas drifting offshore and organizing into a tropical system. Wouldn't be the first time a storm has materialized just off the coast in the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. Change is always just a short ways off. Enjoy the low humidity but be ready for summer to suddenly be summer next week. Heat, storms, wildness, surprises of any sort; it's all possible, everyday here on Earth, get out and relish in the calm interludes, today and everyday on Earth.
Clearing around the tire house!

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