Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Omega Block Is Back... woooo

As the jet stream does a double dip
Into the Plains the heat does slip
Here, we remain bone dry & cool
Seems less exception & more rule
Haiti just had a little 4.9 shake
But, when crappy houses you make
They fall down w/ any Earth shift
Voodoo won't stop continental drift
Or provide food or bring sanity
To world's worst place to be
Seems little Vlady just blew a dam
Poor guy, losing has him in a jam
GOP prez field continues to grow
Just mo' of the lie, deny & blame show
Blame their issues all on the 'woke'
But, it's their plan that's the real joke
Canadian forests continue to burn
As mega-corps continue to earn
On big oil does the frack & drill
On Earth moves from Ice Age chill
Warming days...more ice melts
Coasts move, big storms felt..
Today On Earth

Beef on the hoof

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