Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Wild Rocktober Winds Down

We are down to a little less than 38 hours left in Rocktober and it has been a tale of two seasons, the first third of the month continued summer: hot and muggy; but then Hurricane Michael's remains rolled through and suddenly it was fall: cool and pleasant. Today is going to be on the warm side of fall with the morning's low only 40 and today's high expected into the mid-60's. Tomorrow will likely hit 70 as will Thursday before another front comes through with rain overnight and into Friday and a cool down for the weekend. No frosty stuff in the extended forecast. There is still a hurricane out in the Atlantic just hangin' and spinning with no direction or peril for land. The overheated planet just trying to balance out the excesses.
The plate boundaries fault zones all around the planet are pretty fired up today. 12 of the 44 listed quakes are at or above magnitude 5 on the Richter scale with a 6.1 quake on New Zealand's north island. That means a dozen spots on the planet are wondering what just happened or like Greece, when is the shaking going to stop. Indonesia, PNG, Philippines, Colombia/Panama region, the Himalaya of northern India, both ends of the Scotia plate and the East Pacific rise north of the Galapagos all have had good shakes today. None of these spots are really surprises for big quakes but that many quakes above 5 is a pretty shaky day.
The night sky, pre-moon rise, was lovely last night when I took the big brown dog on his (spoiled rotten) nightly ride down to the new clear cut. Didn't bring the binocs to check out Andromeda but could still make it out. Mars continues to dominate the night sky sitting red hot in the eastern edge of the flattened V that is Capricorn. Much dimmer but still brighter than most stars, Saturn dots the top of the teapot that is Sagittarius. The Summer Triangle, bisected by the hazy patch that is our galaxy, is marked by three of the brightest stars in the northern sky, lovely last night. Should be another clear, warmish (for late Rocktober) evening, get out and survey your universe!
But, until then, go out for a wander on your planet. Days like this, while not rare, are gone quickly if not enjoyed, venture forth, Today on Earth.

The fake prez DonnyJonny the Chump
Is always talking out of his rump
What he doesn't know continues to grow
With each tweet or talk he's gonna show
It's not what you don't know
It's what you know that ain't so
That's the issue
That creates the fissure
But, his conned followers lap it up
As they gobble their supersize sup
And gaze on at their fox news
Where reality is whatever you choose
While the rest of us look on dazed
And wonder how they are so crazed
But, if we turn out one week from today
We can begin to wash the evil tide away.
Let's leave no doubt,
Get out and vote the slime out!!

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