Thursday, September 20, 2018

Eagle, Buzzard and a Dead Possum

Sometimes we forget that the animals (and plants) we share the planet with are adapting, migrating and dying everyday on Earth, whether we notice or not. I got to see that in action today coming home from Louisa. A bald eagle took off from the road ahead and flew across the recently clear-cut section of (former) forest just down the street from my driveway. We watched it land in a tree on the edge of the cutover. We then drove past a dead possum in the road and realized that's what the eagle was dining on, my neighbor commenting the possum was moved from when had been by 1/2 hour before.
The possum was right on a blind corner. I said, "hope no one hits that dining eagle whipping around the corner". He turned around and we went back and I grabbed (with gloves) the dead possum and tossed it off the road onto the clear cut. As we drove back, I saw a buzzard high in a dead tree just on the other side of the road, he was eyeing that possum, too. We didn't linger. I wonder if the eagle got there first, or the buzzard but guessing they didn't share.
Virginia has lots of bald eagles, lots of big and small rivers and road kill. The national bird prefers fish but will certainly chow down on carrion. Not the first I've seen dining along the roadside in the greater Quail neighborhood but I've also seen them cruising the South Anna River that flows nearby (and was waaaaay out of its banks after the Monday/Tuesday Flo rain). Every time I see one, it's just a cool thing, they are a stunning bird!
Also stunning, the Moon/Mars show going on outside RIGHT NOW! The moon is east of the red planet tonight and will continue to slide that way as it does every month. Gibbous and growing, our satellite will be full Monday. We will be neither tilted toward or away from our nearby star at 9:54pm Saturday evening, beginning Fall in the Northern Hemisphere (and Spring in the Southern).
The volcano list has 20 rumbling and spewing mountains on it with Russia's Kamchatka leading the list with 5. The US has two in the Aleutians and Kilauea,  Indonesia and Japan also with 3 eruptions (one in Japan is new to me and is underwater on a small but growing island way south in the archipelago. Popo is fired up again in Mexico as is Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island off Africa's southeast coast.
The southwestern Pacific dominates the quake list, again. Several mag. 5+ around the big planet but nothing major. 5+ feels major if in your backyard.
Clouds and sun and not too hot today, humidity wasn't bad either. I did seem to sweat a lot, though.
But, I was working, building a bridge, the middle bridge, that has been down for a couple of years and that has had the logs in place for most of this year. Now it has boards in place and is a bridge again. The Breyer Dog walked across like it had been there for years, likely thinking, "'bout time dad". I've been walking the logs, he has to cross in the creek. And, he shows no hesitation in going for a wade or a swim, but he does like a bridge! Old wood, new wood, cool pattern, today on Earth.

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