Tuesday, August 28, 2018

55 Years of Dreaming!!

Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech 55 years ago today (to a much larger crowd than Donnie Jonnie the Chump had at his swearing in...) and while there has been much progress, (Barack Obama comes to mind) the current raging racism in this country attests to the fact, we have a long ways to go. I grew up in a separate but "equal" world, in the former capital of the Confederacy. I was slow to the fact that wonderful people come in all shapes and sizes and shades of skin tone; so do idiots and slime. It's always the parents fault; racism starts at home as does kindness, politeness and work ethic. It is also influenced by leadership at the top and the me first, be an asshole to everyone, to bully them into giving in, has given like-minded racists a reason to fly their various flags and rise, scum like, towards the top of society. The much more colorblind, open minded millennials will settle into middle age in a society much closer to what Dr. King spoke of 55 years ago. Getting there through the whinnying bleats of old, fat white guys waving confederate flags ("we are so proud we lost...") and the remainder of the Chump years will continue to be a struggle. It seems to have reminded a lot of people that if you don't get involved, don't vote, bad things can happen.
The heat continues to build on the east coast, lots of moisture in the air, too. Any breeze is amazingly refreshing, but it's the exception rather than the rule. It's sultry!!
A few mid 5 quakes and a 6.0 in Indonesia on a semi-shaky day. The Peru/Bolivia/Chile conjunction is pretty fired up today and a 5.0 rumble offshore  in the Caspian Sea likely rattled some nerves there. The Kuril Islands plate boundary zone is slipping and shaking today, as well. Earth in action!!
In addition to getting out and wandering on the hot, muggy world be nice to someone today. If we all have the goal (dream?) to get along, and work together for sustainable, limited growth this charming little planet has all we need to make it a reality. And, we don't have to kill off so many of our fellow creatures to make it happen. Go ahead, Dream big, Today On Earth.

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