Friday, May 31, 2024

Same Sad Whine... I Didn't Do It!!

🎵Sounds the same as every crook
In every penitentiary...
All screamin', I didn't do it
It wasn't me...
But, twelve brave jurors
Found donnie guilty as hell
Fines or jail time
On July 11th the judge will tell!
Maybe pick up the trash
On the sides of the roads
Or w/ other crooks in prison..
Cleaning stinky commodes!!
Finally, our justice system
Proved that it does work
34 guilty verdicts
For fat donnie, the lyin' jerk!!🎵
Out on the planet, that don't care
We're sitting in the cool, dry air
But, on the Plains, warm & cool meet
Twists up tornadoes, trailers are meat
Course, they 'believe' warmin' ain't real
And, that Joe won w/ a steal
And, that jesus watches over them
Yet in reality, they're pretty dim
If you don't read, just watch the fox
Probably too fat to put on your socks
Posers for jesus.. need someone to blame
Brown, black, jew, arab all the same
TDS* think only hateful, lily whites
In 'merica, should have any rights
At least no big quake issues today
And, no big solar blast out our way
Prez Joe, OK to bomb ruskies back
You go Ukraine, On the attack!!
Big news is out of a NYC court
You'll get busted if truth you distort
If he's innocent, should'a testified
But, they knew, on the stand, he'd a lied
Cuz he guilty, sad lyin' crook
Millions of dollars he done took
If you declared bankruptcy 6 times
Should push into 100's all your crimes
But, punk bitch got slapped yesterday
In a cell w/ Eric, both locked away

We'd gotten close enough
Time to move..
Smarter then TDS*

34 times GUILTY... losers

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