Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gloom Remains.. Better Than Doom:)

Earth continues kicking serious ass
Spot 3664 w/ another monster blast
At least it's pointed away from Earth
Radios zapped but no aurora birth
Big rains around, less than inch here
Skies, it seems, no chance to clear
Mag. 5.6 quake off Puerto Rico
Seafloor & no wave gonna grow
That's a pretty big ole shake
And, we're still in a cool break
But, signs showing for more heat
& 8 billion w/ not enough to eat..
Overbreeders still on the move
Still think, border catapult, to remove
Consequences, really are none
If we killed ya after crime w/ gun
Be a lot less crime
And, way fewer doing time
But, we wanna study, assign blame
Always bad parenting & a shame
Asswipe jews burning aid convoys
Lil vlady, more bombs he deploys
Lame TDS* crew, show him support
VP pick has become new grovel sport
So..pretty much same lame scene
Least here, world is green..
Today On Earth

Mr. No Shoulders
Hoping for a bird landing..

*TDS- TrumpDickSucker
GOP lackeys are lining up

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