Tuesday, May 28, 2024

3664 Is Back! TDS* Still Under Attack!

The monster sunspot 3664 is back
Soon, another solar storm attack
*TrumpDickSuckers lose another town
Denying reality, they keep going down
'ain't no warming, ain't no evolution'
'lyin' donnie he's our only solution'
In Indonesia, gravity for the win
Bangladesh the water's coming in
SW Texass is getting all shaky
Oil greed fracking, grab-y & take-y
Payback, it seems, is indeed a bitch
But, to clueless liar they all wanna hitch
Closing arguments to Stormy payoffs
More sex w/ donnie, she chokes & scoffs
So, Gov. Greggg..why all these tornadoes
Gonna blame the hordes from Mexico
What about the crappy Texass grid?
Seems into actual hell you have slid
Just a taste of what's coming..
No help from jesus gotcha bumming:)
Here, we missed the storms... & rain
Add low humidity, tough to complain!
DFW & 'merican airlines
Gonna have more delays & whines
San Andreas in Baja Mexico
Continues shifting to & fro
In reality, just Earth doing its thing
Get bonus heat, gonna have a fling
Ya know..fling a building here
Fling another building there
TDS* whine & remain unaware
Cuz W & donnie do not care
But, Floriduuh stole election from Gore
Flung wide open the warming door
And, here we are & it's too late
And, sure ain't gonna solve it w/ hate
jews continue mass murder campaign
ARabs whine..it's still the same
Today On Earth

Future burgers as clueless as TDS*
Standing in tall grass
Thinking life is long & good
Soon..a T-bone, house..pile of wood

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