Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cool & Low Humidity... Whoa!!

Not really that weird for late May
Cool & humidity gone away
Just to the south, it's cooking hot
In Houston, power, 4K still ain't got
Lyin' donnie endorsed idiot McGuire
More stupid tossed onto fascist fire
Perfect pair cuz neither are smart
Both misogynists w/ a hateful heart
Closing arguments, everyone else liar
'Cept the orange guy w/ pants afire
Dumbass local w/ bullets just fined
After half of congress went & whined
Idiot'll do a great job of parenting
Sure kid soon to do li'l bullet eating
Maybe shoot mommy w/ dad's gun
Mo' TDS* into shootin' just for fun
🌞   🌖
Big sunspot has weakened a bit
Still..could blast Earth w/ another hit
Burma w/ the biggest shake today
Give junta excuse to blow mo' away
Cuz ain't no money in peace
War: excuse to taxpayers, fleece
Storms continue to rage on Plains
Help from jesus onward wanes
Another house taken back by sea
Rodanthe, sea rise easy to see
Fools build houses on sand
Then tax payer help they demand
Stupidest sign seen yesterday
In city of fools: RVA
'Housing is a human right'
Depth of stupidity is a fright
Have confused rights w/ wishes
As onward earth just pisses
Unaware we are even here
Or aware it'll wipe us clear..
Today On Earth

Dragonfly on an old leg
It hung out for awhile
Happy to offer a ride:)

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
Beyond conned..

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