Sunday, May 12, 2024

Still With The Chill - Auroras Spill - Mother's Day

Auroras continue to light the sky
Here, rain clouds keep passing by
Still have seen no colors a'glow
But, into the tropics, seeing the show
Mother's Day, looking like all sun
Hope Moms're out having fun
And, dads & kids, tipping big
Another below average temp day
Got a cool week coming our way
Big ole shack just off Mexico
Seems no wave making a show
In the woods, the cuckoos are back
Singing w/ their clucking attack
cu cu cu cu cu cuuu
Seen & heard the tanager crew
Summer & scarlet passing thru
Big dog, his head on cool soapstone
Sure dreaming, where to hide bone
Just lifted head, took a look
Time for us to blow the tire nook
Today On Earth

Get some rain
Shrooms gonna pop

Check that sky
There will be auroras!!

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