Thursday, May 2, 2024

Heat & Aleutian Shakes

TDS* in the northern Plains
Another day of weather complains
N.F. Dakota gov. boring for Trump
S.F. Dakota gov. dumb as a stump
Shot her puppy & a goat, too
Both things ya just shouldn't do
Then bragged about it in her book
Now..not getting hoped for VP look
Ya live in the Dakotas that says much cold & way outta touch
And, seems shooting your pet is OK
What a sick bitch to blow puppy away
Asshole in RVA, left 2 dogs in a bag
Sharing Earth w/ idiots, a real drag
Subduction show in the Aleutian trench
Quakes..when 2 plates feel the pinch
Also, likely to get volcano or 2
This week, list w/ 28 blasting thru
Philippines, volcano & Ghina attack
Xi will sign a treaty, stab ya in the back
Problem on display yesterday
5 kids, fat, ugly mom shopping away
bible likely only book they'll ever see
Every kid delivery paid by you & me
We know jesus ain't helping one bit
As further on world tumbles to shit
Future problems, solution: 'grooviness'
Clueless special on PBS
Show the problem, refuse to see
4 billion was a problem already
Now we got 8 & on numbers grow
As jews & aRabs put on hate show
Another hot one coming
Missiles & temps
Today On Earth

Turtles know the way
Slow & steady
Keep numbers low..
We should learn..

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