Sunday, May 26, 2024

What A Shocker!! No, Not Mo' Tornadoes..

Wembley - Manchester derby for FA cup
Only big news, would City slip up
Oh yes they did & it was U.G.L.Y
First goal, given away for free
2nd was sweet, 'twas almost city-like
Then it was the sad form of 'psych'!!
Me, I was so shocked, forgot a blog
Cut TV, went a'walkin' w/ my dog
Then off the Cooling Pond brewery
To enjoy some Sauna Mountain Valley
Then some blues, then back to Da O
When Obrigado's open, ya gotta go
Meanwhile, on the Plains, was the same
Deniers tossed, Earth plays warming game
More storms coming later today
Forecast, tomorrow trouble our way
Monster sunspot has made the turn
3663 back, how big will it still churn
More blasts to light sky, zap the soil?
Will it make another grid roil?
Texass TDS* still roasting in the dark
Can Greggg & exxon provide a spark?
Which trailer park gets trashed today?
How much mo' Floriduuh's washed away?
So..teachers can't say warming, can say gay?
Insurers gone, so don't have to pay
In Indonesia, big killing landslide
Prayers to allah & reality collide
allah, again, w/ no help at all
Kinda like Gaza, jews continue to maul
Course, we know jehovah's vindictive
Cares not if non-jews don't live
Caring & loving god? not a one
Evidence of afterlife, there is none
Male con to take power away
And, give sperm donors the final say
Women bring & nurture life
Men mostly hate, war & strife
Come on Taylor, time to step up
Empower young women, be abrupt
Slow baby production, have a plan
Avoid non-fathers, demand a man
Vote out 'posers for jesus' slime
But, really not sure there is time
This summer, hotter than the last
Next year, an even hotter blast
The changes are easy to see
Whine about rights, aren't any
On Earth: Adapt, Migrate or Die
Yet, still reality we won't try..
Today On Earth

'Twas a lovely sunset..

Stupid as ever...

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