Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Palestine...Who Cares??

Gaza whining just won't clear
Wonder why they all move here
Cuz there 'home' is an enema site
Too many kids, no water in sight
Can't feed 'em all, so they beg
Lame ass men, laze w/ a cig
W/ misogynist religions worldwide
For women, no safe place to hide
JehBuddhaHommad, god for men
Where will next war begin
Billion of slime, fight to steal
Ghina, Russkies; their only deal
Iran, sell you oil, kill you dead
All their women, cover that head
Earth don't care, still erupting
W/ some shakes, local disrupting
TDS* in Kansass, tornado reality
Voted for a denier, more you'll see
Bet donnie'll deny it tore up town
As his fat head nods up & down
Says no sex, then why'd he pay
Let's hear fox man-splain that away
SO..he paid them for not having sex?
Could'a just sent more money to ex
Has anyone seen Melanie or Baron?
About this case they sure ain't caring
Also, not caring the nearby star
Heating us up from afar
Monster blast not quite at us
Yet, in Pacific big radio fuss
Hundred of Hawaiian quakes
Lava looking to make new breaks
N. Chile shakes, off Barbados, too
Indonesia, always w/ a few
Front that is headed our way
After trashing Plains, li'l left to say
Could use the rain, clean the pollen up
For now, time to get out w/ a pup..
Today On Earth

Reptiles are out & about
No snack shrooms...:(
No rain...

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
They'd deny it
Like everything else
But, they'd all bow & suck
Yo A-Rabs & Jews
Where are all your trees???

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