Friday, May 17, 2024

WARNING: Snarky-ness Ahead

2,000+ blogs & finally a warning?!
W/ all my snarky & all my scorning
No idea what set off the bells
But, round Earth, catastrophe swells
Oily Texass getting what it deserves
As they frack out very last oil reserves
Ironic, Bush airport shut down
CO2 warming all the world round
If ya voted for a Bush or lyin' donnie
Your future's looking less than shiny
(actually, everyone's future..)
All that oil made Texass super rich
Turns out, Earth's payback..a bitch
Wonder if Ted escaped to Mexico
Wonder is lil Vlady giving Xi a blow
Dick-tator party, planning their next steal
Poland & Taiwan? shake on that deal
Benny & jews continue to kill
Posers for allah, whines, kinda shrill
Hamas started war, destined to lose
Maybe give up prayers, try some booze
No quakes today that even shook at 5
Sun calmer, but spots still alive
Biggest turned away from us now
Give a week or so.. another POW
5/10 storm set record for auroras seen
Skies, blue & red, some even green
More rain's headed our way
How much, well.. who can say
Forecast amounts, rarely close
But, looking like a serious dose
Da Nile & blame, the 'merican way
Kids, lose the phone, go
Or sit in your room, whine & mope
But, mom's on falsebook, ain't no hope
2 more shot dead down in RVA
Summer program'll make it go away
Now that's funny
Mom a 'ho, outlook not sunny
Sperm donor dad
Adds to the sad..
Today On Earth

li'l slump
It is the law!!

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