Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lovely Here.. Storms In Denier-ville

Plains once again storm trashed
While warming reality's bashed
Like donnie claiming he's guilty
But, still fair trial he didn't see
Admitted it's a lock solid case
Behind bars should be his face
The easily conned refuse to see
That the fox 'news' is a fantasy
25 quakes on the list this week
Up in Iceland, still going freak
At least no big quakes
But, sun ain't taking no breaks
Here, a last cool spell..
Before the coming summer hell
No early season hurricanes
Once cranking, could be serious pains
Texass grid torn up again
Odds good; Earth for the win
Mexico City, heat & water's low
Least Popo ain't 'bout to blow
Crisis after crisis, worldwide
Too bad no place left to hide..
Today On Earth

Why you don't build under steep scarps..

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