Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ring Gets Shaky... Texass, Raining Glass

Whole bunch of quakes about da Ring
Pacific w/ a new subduction fling
In Texass, grid ain't doing a thing
Too bad ya can't eat oil bling
Glass still raining down post-storm
No power & heat, new Texass norm
Too bad prayers ain't helping Greggg
Too bad for help, to Joe, ya gotta beg
Sunspot 3664 now blastin' Venus' way
Will it make it back for an Earth replay?
Colombia to Chile, Andes shaking
Indonesia & Himalaya, too.. quaking
Ghina? landslides rollin' along
Upper Plains, same tornado song
Did ya vote for donnie & W?
Oily CO2 heat, it's gonna drub ya
Speaking of drubbin', Iran's president
Maybe a better chopper ya outta rent
Mo-rons, flying in mountains in fog
Prayers to allah..useful as prayers to dog
Least a dog'd give ya some love
Turns out..ain't no allah hoverin' above
Here, finally a garden, a month late
On the 'maters, gonna have to wait
Heat's making a bit of a push
By Thursday, local storms may gush
But, got other places to trash today
Yuma, Co, will hail melt away??
Seems most any season, any place
Big ole planet's in our face
Antarctic sea ice fading fast
Glacier NP, namesake's in the past
For skiers, not a bright future ahead
Surfing 'tween beach hotels instead..
Today On Earth

This chestnut didn't make it..

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