Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Bear Aware... Ursa Major!!

Had a large ursine visitor last night
Tore down bird feeder line alright
No feeders, I take those in
Chances are, he'll visit again
Been here in March April May & June
Betting he'll be back soon
Just like Stormy, on the stand
donnie whined they hadn't planned
Just shows what a dumbass he is
Raping & paying her is the trial biz
Can't a rich guy put a price on his head
Then greedy marksman...he be dead
And, world'll be better..saved
But, he made it ok to be misbehaved
So, all TDS* think rude is fine
And, on the blame, deny & whine
Storms trashed the Plains again
Earth rules, bonus heat for the win
Usual quake issues, frackin' zones
Sunspot 3664, bad to the bone
More blasts headed our way
Gonna put mo' auroras in play
Can't see sky w/ spaceX satellite array
So many bad ways, making us pay
500K seems to be their goal
Big brother truly on patrol
But, today, hang onto your butt
Gonna be another twister glut..
Today On Earth

Azaleas fading but pines a popping
Liking the rain

*TDS -TrumpDickSucker
what lies will they believe today??
so pathetic...

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