Monday, May 13, 2024

Colorado Delta Shakes, Earth W/ Tornado Sermon

Posers for jesus at church in PA
By tornado, got blown away
After all, Pennzoil started nightmare
Just a heads up, Earth don't care
Dixie getting another reality dose
Another trailer park getting the hose
TDS* still denying.. & on they pray
And, shocker, Earth making us all pay
Shakes along US/Mexico border
Called Colorado delta, but ain't no water
All used to grow cotton in the desert
Setting up for big 'no water' hurt
Sucking groundwater, too
All for greed, it's what we do
And, since Oprah made fat OK
Gotta look at pigs everyday
Not even safe to watch TV
Proudly fat in every ad ya see
Fat pig 'offended' by statue of Lee
I'm offended by her morbid obesity
Got mental issues, thinking of suicide
Maybe lose phone & step outside
Or just hide & mope in your room
Wallow in self-doom & gloom
Mom ain't helping, on her phone
Sperm donor dad, he long gone
Single mom, there's really no such thing
Maybe shouldn't.. just had a fling
Cuz men literally screwing the world
But, still think around them it twirled
Dropping their bombs, shooting their guns
Teaching the hate to their sons
If they actually know their sons
Many, any commitment, they runs
3 millennia, ARabs & Jews at war
Long time and we ain't got far
Jehovah & Allah still a no show
So, on the hate & killing go
Still no aurora seen here
Even w/ skies mostly clear
Sunspot is about to turn away
Maybe its cousin w/ one last play
Will it hold together & return
This cycle, long way to burn
Moon a lovely waxing crescent now
Mountain Laurel blooms, kapow!!
Ticks & spiky caterpillars on the scene
Nastiness in a world all green..
Today On Earth

Eclipse Redux!!
Love that flare!!

Nice job Ukraine!
Sent lil vlady a bomb his way
Let's nuke him
And make S. Korea an island
seeeeeya li'l fat Kim

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