Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lotta Quakes, Lotta Whines... June

Couldn't put donnie on the stand
Without him committing perjury
Jury saw right thru that
So, 34 times, head juror: "GUILTY"
Put him in jump suit to match his face
He's the worst, 'merican disgrace
GOP saps all in full scream
Thought law & order was there dream
Claim they are so tough on crime
So sad their 'leader' is total slime
Just like every crook
In the penitentiary
Screaming, I didn't do it
It wasn't me
Western Pacific subduction today
More Pacific plate going away
At least no big waves created
Just got locals aware, agitated
3664 is smaller but still unstable
Still dining at the fusion table
Another day w/ low humidity
Might be the last we see
For awhile, cuz change
Is coming w/ a front re-arrange
Storms trashed the Plains again
New Dehli, 122, problems; denyin'
Not too little water, too many Indians
Billion & half & all looking thin
Still the stupid continue to breed
Passing on their inbred seed
Human de-volution so obvious
But, to the obvious we won't confess
What ain't reality, all these 'rights'
Water & food & beds at night
Earth: ain't no such guarantees
We got same rules as birds & bees
Adapt, Migrate or Die
Earth's true reality cry
Stay safe out there..
And lying piece of crap
Ya guilty..
Talk about stupid,
Still claiming no sex was had
Then why a payoff, so very sad..
Still, Errwic, so proud of his dad
Today On Earth

Dung beetle
Doin' it's thing
Is that something donnie dropped?

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