Thursday, June 13, 2024

Heat Builds, Floriduuh: Welcome to Reality

Big floods in land of warming denial
Floriduuh: good place to hold a trial
Good news: more rain yet to come:)
Bad news: Floriduuh GOP.. so dumb
Heat dome is heading north
Just how much is that CO2 worth?
Can't eat oil, plastic or money
Low on water, that ain't funny
But, got guns & bombs on missiles
And, uranium ready to go fissile
Why'd we want the wars to cease..
Duh..ain't no easy money in peace
Twisted men w/ little dicks
Hoping their evil rule sticks
History of hate & killing on repeat
Yet, killers say their gods are so sweet
Quakes & volcanoes, still around
Shakes & lava spews on the ground
But, mostly still just local scene
And, sunspot blasts, kinda lean blackout up arctic way
As solar protons rain again today
Issue still, solar heat that can't leave
Greedy idiot 'leaders' bent on deceive
That ain't likely to change..
But, Earth reaction, big rearrange

Evidence of ice
But,'s going

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