Saturday, June 29, 2024

Maga Lies..For The 'Win'? Lotta Hot!

Sad when you can 'win' a debate
W/ nothing but lies, blame & hate
Sure, Joe looked stunned, confused
In fact, all listeners were abused
donnie lies so much, is trump his name?
But, we are all partly to blame
Just stupidly look down at our phone
Media continues to throw him a bone
TDS* have heard all the lies before
To rallies they know what's in store
Joe tried to remember actual facts
donnie just performed his stage acts
Scream & lie & make little sense
Turns out TDS* are pretty dense
Also racist haters looking to blame
Any but themselves, it remains the same
Indonesia, 2 volcanoes blasting as one
Peru, plate adjustment seems not done
Hawai'i again w/ lava on the move
TrStrm Beryl into the Caribbean groove
Where will it go, time will tell
But, other spots too much rain fell
Our drought conditions, quickly back
Earth extremes, there is no slack
Our 2 day reprieve had it's run
Now we're back to cooking fun
It's hot, it's muggy
Today On Earth

Pre-rain crunchy forest

*TDS -TrumpDickSucker
They'll believe anything...

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