Friday, June 7, 2024

Another Taste Of Dry..

The rain (lil) went thru
Today it's the passing of the front
Quakes, only a few
Most, classed as a shake; li'l runt
Elsewhere, mo' tornadoes
In places, usually wouldn't expect
What we deny from shows
Ain't showing the Earth no respect
Thinking we got rights..
Like chunk of rock cares at all
Planet war..wrong fights
Bad air, water & soil, humans fall
Several billion too many
Most hungry, unloved & needy
Yet, in 'merica, few skinny
Posers for jesus, proud, being greedy
Already 100+ in southwest; June!
India passing 120, w/o 'nough water
Just a taste of new tune
Worldwide migration & disorder
That is already here
Over bred hordes queue at the border
Pope ain't helpin; that's clear
Dumbass GOP, anti-contraception order
If ya gonna make people breed
Do what you say jesus would do
Offer them a little feed
But, NOOOO, it's all about you!
Got the perfect tweeter for that
donnie poster child for self-centered
Fake leader in fake yellow hair hat
Today On Earth

At least Licor 43
Comes in chocolate now!!
That will ease the apocalypse!!

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