Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Minor Respite... But, Big Heat Is Coming.. Here!!

A weak front come on thru
Alas, rain missed, another boohoo
So, we dodge the big heat blast
But, our respite..will not last
Into next week & it seems beyond
We will join in w/ earth heat song
It's getting hot, storms are extreme
At 8 billion but few living the dream
🌍 🌎 🌏
Down to less than 2 acres apiece
Survival slim if breeding don't cease
Deserts grow, glaciers melt
New reality being felt
Still deny & blame, no real plan
But, Earth will be fine w/o man
Would be better if run by women
So, in greed & hate we ain't swimmin'
Sure, lots of women fell for the con
With the man-gods, just go along
But, it ain't working out so well
Male power + greed = living hell
And, it's too late, heat gonna rise
Still non-believers show surprise
'Who knew it would get so hot'
'Who knew more'd get shot'
Who knew 'supreme' court such slime
And, they seem exempt from any crime
Quakes today, rollin' Himalayan rocks
New sunspot, maybe new Earth shocks
Heat to south, Floriduuh still floods
GOP thoughts..still just evil duds
Today On Earth

The Finn dog
w/ a weird fungus
Too big to be donnie's dick:)

In really good news
won't have to watch lame Tiger
this weekend...
Cuz he sucks!!!
and, ARab sucker Phil: worse

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