Monday, June 3, 2024

Hawai'i; Magma Movin' - Bogus Planet Lineup..

As usual, internet & other bad news
Claiming line of planets, wow views
But, super early, also way low
Only Mars & Saturn w/ a show
Sure, Uranus & Neptune & asteroid..
No way w/o telescope on board
Mercury & Venus, lost in the dawn
Typical net overreaction, get's a yawn
Venus is behind the sun today
Evening sky return still month away
Sun still blasting out our way
Hawai'i, magma returned to play
92 quakes in the last day
'Can't believe it' the stupid say
Kinda like TDS* on the Plains
Their oil the mess, don't complain
They vote for idiot republicans
And, think safe in houses like cans
Gonna be more trailers trashed today
Then, the dumbasses will pray
Meets requirements of insanity
Pray & pray, no results ya see
Same fools in middle east
Just praying to a different beast
allah even more hateful, misogynist
jews, chance to hate & kill, not missed
Millenia of hate & stupidity
Worst result, no trees left to see
Created their own deserts, greed
Still, heavenly mandate to breed
Now want to migrate
Export the problems & hate
Great plan...
Today On Earth

Still quite the handsome dog

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
Destroying 'merica...daily

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