Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What Day Is It... I Forget..

Retirement makes me often ask..
What's today, do I have a task..
That's it's Hump Day, of little concern
Or that in denial Texass, on they burn
Or that tornadoes hit a trailer park
But, that the future's looking stark
That does have me a little on edge
That our main fix it tool is a sledge
Big floods in Floriduuh, I don't care
Or that the tides wash higher there
CO2 levels continue a rapid rise
Fatties in big trucks, zero surprise
Obesity is the new way to be
Then into lycra, so gross to see
Which is why, walmart I avoid
Lest my eyesight be destroyed
Thanks Oprah for making fat OK
& that men listen to all you say
Unmarried, childless & obese
Yet your 'wisdom' will not cease
If ya believe Oprah, why not trump
As on 'merica, both took a dump
Made the world worse place to be
Overbreeding douches far as we can see
Only whining, no offer of solutions
As on we grow multiple pollutions
Rape the oceans, wash away the soil
Heli-moms, phone kids, they do spoil
Thought of schools blocking phones
Falsebook moms will pick their bones
Fat bitch whines, if kid needs to call
Gotta get her mo' food, control it all!!!
Let's put jesus & phones up their ass
Maybe some peace will come to pass..
🌞 🌒 🌎
Sunspot 3664 still blasting away
And, it doesn't even face Earth's way
Only real quakes along the seafloor
Well, Guatemala, 4.9 can't ignore
New warnings for Pacific N.W
When big quake hits, will be a test
No predictions, just a 'better beware'
Subduction shift, Earth won't declare
Until they feel the first big...BANG
Rocks have's a real thang
It's all coming, just like the heat
Sadly, it will not be sweet..
Today On Earth

There is still ice on Earth
But, it's melting...and fast

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