Tuesday, June 25, 2024

You Voted For Lies, Now The Truth S. F. Dakota!!

S.F. Dakota is a state full o' slime
(Guess what the F stands for.. not fun)
Gov. brags about her dog killin' time
Laws to protect credit card extortion
But, getting a little reality contortion
Build on flood plains, what'll ya get
Warming caused rains, town is so wet!
Fat bellied sheriff, 'ain't never seen'
'Nothin' like this, we're living so clean'
But, you are not, you voted for donnie
Burned lots of oil, Earth kicking ya hinny
Course, demanding Joe send aid quick
But, dodged taxes, thinkin' they're slick
Where are insurance companies these days
Same as ever, for that, we don't pays
Here we went from humid to bone dry
Some dumbass had to give fire a try
Deeply stupid every where ya look
So you can say, 'check selfie I took'
No one cares about your selfie dude
Sunspot 3664 has spun our way again
Will third time be the blast for the win?
Well, not for Earth or our grids
As Dominion put on solar panel lids
Can't produce your own, take their control
Then put up 'nother easy to snap pole
In 'merica if it ain't about easy greed
Then elected ones..got no need
San Andreas w/ mo' li'l slips
And rest of Ring, downward dips
Extreme remains the new standard call
W/ 8 billion..lots likely to fall..
Today On Earth

Chimneys will out last us all..

Oh yea..Jews, ARabs
Still idiots...
Putin: into Worst Ever Hall of Shame
donnie wants to join him, blow him..

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