Monday, June 10, 2024

Water Views Come With A Price..

Erosion & deposition, usually slow
Until gravity makes 'em GOOOO!!
Suddenly a house or road is gone
Rivers & waves just rollin' on
Beach is just a river of sand
Clear rivers w/ a sediment demand
Coastal folks, ocean's coming your way
Got more ice melting every day
When Antarctic sea ice goes
Worldwide problem it'll pose
Until then, rise lil mo' gradual
But, ocean basins... are not full:)
We remain in the mid-June cool
By mid-week, even here, heat'll rule
Solar blast mostly gonna miss
But, monster spot continues to hiss
Again, no big quake concerns
Just the heat, onward it burns
Still mo-ron humans show shock
Happens if you overcrowd your rock
A rock that gives all we need..
Until a species breeds like a weed
Earth ain't listening when ya pray
But, hot or cold, it ain't going away
And, it will have the final say
Like... Today On Earth

The floating tree
changes balance point
as I saw a little farther thru
each day..

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