Saturday, June 2, 2018

Muggies & Volcanoes in Paradise

The flow of moisture from the south continues into the mid-Atlantic although today seems a bit cooler than yesterday, but still it's muggy out there. Showers are likely pretty much any time today but my bet is mid to late afternoon will be the time to be ready for more downpours. Welcome to June (although May was quite June-like), but...cooler drier weather is in the forecast for next week.
After a quick glance at the daily, weekly and monthly earthquake list it's been a pretty quiet month on the shaky planet; only 2 +6 magnitude quakes and one of those was a large belch from Kilauea. Lots in the 5 range but no big quakes but we all know, that will change, it always does.
On Kilauea, vent #24 opened up and 2 subdivisions are either burnt up or cut off and/or burnt up. The risk of the cheaper land in paradise...and why the town nearby is called Volcano. The world's hottest hot spot is showing no signs of slowing down with old fissures still active and new ones opening; lots of fountaining and blasts from the main crater, too. What a cool planet!🌋
For early risers in places with clear skies, the waning gibbous moon was equidistance between Mars and Saturn this morning and will be just above Mars tomorrow morning (or late tonight - Mars is rising about midnight). Jupiter and Venus rule the evening sky - I know they are there even though I haven't seen them in days - clouds. Cooler, clearer skies next week should make for some nice sky gazing, even with limited dark as we close in on the summer solstice.
The recent rains have at least cleaned up the HersheyDog creek flowing through my place and the rock in the stream bed is lovely right now. It's old metamorphic stuff, current ideas have it as both igneous flows for pre-Pangaea island arcs and the sediment from said island arcs. It has been wild to watch it weather slowly for the past 20 years, quartz "eyes" appearing and slowly eroding away, the chunks tumbling downstream in the persistence of the water cycle in charge of the planet. My plans today include checking out today's look, when a wandering dog returns and hopefully before the rains. Put on some clothes you don't mind sweating in and check out your part of the planet, Today on Earth.

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