Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July Chill? And Oklahoma Shakes

Sweaters in July and more earthquakes in Oklahoma than California, it's wild out there on the big planet.  A large pile (high pressure dome) of cool, very dry air is moving into the north central US and will make it's way into the mid-Atlantic later today or early tomorrow spurring wild storms along its path.  The hot, muggy air parked over the east will resist the northern air leading to the storms but will lose and make for a lovely mid-week.  The cool air mass is being compared to the polar vortex invasions of last winter, perhaps its summer cousin, and with temps in the northern plains into the 40's tomorrow morning it might seem like a polar vortex; jackets and sweaters in July.  It will dip into the 50's overnight here in the central Virginia, an almost weekly occurrence this summer (and most welcome) before the warmer air and humidity, with chance of t'storms, returns for week's end and the weekend.  So far, a quite pleasant summer!
Maybe not in Oklahoma where the quakes keep coming.  There is something strange going on if there are more quakes in the Sooner state than in the Golden state of California.  Yesterday a 4.3 quake rocked things in a place more known and concerned about tornadoes than earthquakes and the quakes continue today and for the last few months EVERY DAY.  There are now earthquakes in Oklahoma every day, every day!!  The obvious reason: FRACKING!! Of course, the spin machine of the oil industry is quick to deny but come on, when will we admit the obvious: if you blow up a rock body inside this planet, things are going to shift to adjust to the disturbance.  If fracking happens nearby and suddenly local ground water will burn, catch fire, combust; it's the fracking!!  When you start blowing up the earth and there are quakes everyday; it's the fracking.
But, when you make billions of dollars in pure profit every quarter and have top dollars lawyers and a misleading ad campaign and a public more than happy to slurp up the hydrocarbons you blast from formerly sealed shale formations the internal explosions and Oklahoma quakes are going to continue. Until...well, we just don't know what will ultimately stop the madness.  But, it's not going to stop, today on Earth.  Just remember, we are all the problem, every time we turn the key to start our cars and breath that sigh of relief as we step from the mugginess into the AC.  If I had an easy solution, I'd mention it.  Buy less, drive less, shop less, eat less, watch less, text less, read more, talk more, walk more: I said I don't have an easy solution.  But, I'm going to get out and sweat a little, today on earth.

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