Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Heat + Moisture = Summer

Earth continues to do what it does when, even though a little farther from the sun, it's tilted toward the big fusion driven star: stay hot and crank up the water cycle. The temps are down a little into this third week in July from last week and the storms continue to roll through the mid-Atlantic (somehow mostly missing here - hundredths of an inch here, inches close by - but our time will come). The July full moon lit up the nighttime planet last night and will, clouds allowing, be bright again tonight. Venus still shines brightly low in the west (if you have a cloud break) and Saturn continues it's dance with Spica but is sinking quickly in the west as Earth pulls away from the ringed wonder. The other planets are, if visible at all on the morning side of Earth and you need to be up early to check those out.
Volcanoes and Quakes: I'm sure they are still spitting and shaking all over the planet but this sporadic blogster hasn't been checking them our much during the long days of summer.
It's hot and muggy and you have to watch for ticks, mosquitoes and flies among other vermin but it's still a pretty nice planet; get out and check it out, today on Earth.

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