Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Weekend Kicks Like Summer

While the northwest lingers in spring, the southeastern portion of America springs into summer. 90 degree heat in late May should perhaps remind us of the mild winter the middle of the North American continent just wrapped up and that there is likely much more heat to come as we northerners get deeper into our half year tilted toward the increasingly active sun. The blast of heat will linger into mid-week and will battle it out with tropical storm Berle off the Fla/Ga. coast. It's looking like Berle will hammer northern Florida with rain and then rearrange much sand along the southeast coast. Earth is still in charge!
Sunspot activity continues but nothing too wild yet as we head toward next year's maximum. Venus is mostly gone in the west as watchers on earth wait for it to slide across the sun's face June 5th. A lunar eclipse will happen for the same folks that caught the annular solar one half a moon cycle ago, the day before. Vega twinkles low in the east after dark heralding the arrival of summer stars. The upside down Big Dipper points us north and leads us to Saturn which continues to lose ground in the solar revolution derby to Mars. Get out and check out the hazy summer skies; bright stars only.
Earthquake and Volcano activity are in the normal suspects zone: Usual boundary types for quakes although there is some shaking going on up near the north pole, Ring of Fire members only need apply to the fire mountain list, well, there is one very happening hot spot dotting the middle of that ring.
Remember how lucky you are to be where you are on Earth!! And, remember those that sacrificed so that could be so!!

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