Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Swings and a Quaking Earth!

Cool mornings and warm lovely afternoons make for a fine mid-April stretch, except for the wind, dry conditions and HIGH FIRE DANGER!! The greening continues as leaves get larger and larger and the heavy oak pollen continues to fade.
Major earthquakes around the planet with lots of aftershocks have made for some tense times. An 8.6 quake followed by an 8.2 aftershock off northern Sumatra on Wednesday resulted in only minor tsunamis but allowed for a test of the Indian Ocean warning system. The quake turned out to be strike-slip, a lateral movement instead of the vertical movement that causes large tsunamis. But, stronger than previous strike-slip quakes leaving lots of room for more study and understanding.
Earth is still very much in charge!
But, it's still the finest place we know of in the universe so get out and enjoy Today on Earth!!

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