Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Enters Like a Wet Lamb

A mild winter continues with a lamb-ish start to March, well, here in Central Va.  West of the Appalachians things are neither mild nor pretty; another huge cyclone slams into warm, moist air from the Gulf and the instability sets off the second round of tornadoes to rip through the mid-section of the US this week.  We get heavy showers Friday that turns to drizzle late and short showers come and go early Saturday with a promise of clearing by afternoon.

Wasn't an increase in storm activity and severity something the global warming folks have been predicting?  Hmmmmmm...maybe it's nothing. But then, there is nothing but change.

Another little aftershock here in the Yanceyville seismic shake zone, early Tuesday morning at magnitude 1.8.  I went semi-fetal as it rumbled and rattled things, still edgy.  Lot of edginess out there on the big planet. Earth is sending us messages that we understand more and more but it seems fewer and fewer are listening.

I'm trying to pay attention, hope you are, too. Enjoy your ride today on Earth.

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