Sunday, August 11, 2024

Steph Goes Off, Ernesto Comes On, Perseid Show!!

The King of Threes, late, went off
Sealed the deal, stopped France, tough
Last of 4, even he called a heave
All, bottom, GOAT shooter don't deceive
US football women toughed out Brazil
All singing anthem, quite the thrill
Olympics heading into the last day
Major thrills, upsets came our way
High pressure here, coolish relief
donnie still lives, giving world grief
Ernesto, next storm in Atlantic queue
Hope.. Mar a Lago, coming for you!!
Perseid meteors streak the sky tonight
Later ya wait, the better the sight
Lovely crescent moon, last night's sky
But, wait for near quarter to slide by
More meteors seen after midnight
Cuz, even quarter moon...waay bright
Yesterday's CME didn't do much
But, tonight another, will Earth touch
No big quakes anywhere around
Just reminders, plate pressures abound
Outside, doves, squirrels & yellow jackets
Last, on hummer food, making rackets
?About to enter sick care nightmare?
'merican greed, hard to compare..
Corporate slime allowed to run free
Overcharge, every where we be
Think it's bad now, w/ donnie again
Bad times & chaos'll really set in
Vote for Kamala & Tim
Or on the coast, learn to swim
Today On Earth

Camping creekside, so serene
Until flood plain reality is seen

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