Thursday, August 15, 2024

Boeing.. Boing!!.. Stuck In Space! Surf's Up!!

Way above Earth on the ISS
Boeing has created a big mess
Helium leaks even before launch
Crew now stuck, mo' than long lunch
At least the doors stayed on..
But, need new ride to come along
Out in Atlantic, Ernesto grows
To Bermuda? Is where it goes?
All as SE still in Debby's flood
Can't even get to problem of mud
Just a taste of coming sea rise
To TDS* it's another denial surprise
Also no surprise, donnie's a mo-ron
Imagined lead over Joe, long gone
None of his current barbs will stick
Reality: got no plans, just a dick
Got no friends, got no love
To him love is just a money shove
Buy your wives, buy your 'friends'
So...lack of loyalty are your trends
JD has been no help at all
Thinks he's funny, jokes all fall
Another CME headed Earth's way
But, only minor auroras in play
No big quakes, just reminders
Fault zones, not good binders
20 volcanoes on week's list
Just subduction, Earth ain't pissed
Earth's a planet that don't care
But, to continue, should be aware
Of the changes racing our way
Like east coast sand going away
But, while swimmers should hide
Surf's Up, get ready to ride!!
Today On Earth

Not Charleston..
But similar look...

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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