Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Almost Chilly.. Obamas Slap donnie Silly we consider putting on a jacket
In Chi-town, Obama's w/ quite a racket
Told it like it is about the fat con man
As donnie seeks to ruin 'merica, again
But, main message: Get out the Vote!
Then donnie's GOP truly a sinking boat
Cuz Republican party is long gone
It's donnie's fascist that have come on
Hateful blamers denying reality
Screamin' 'bout god only they can see
Cuz jesus about whom I was schooled
Taught that kindness & peace ruled
Today's posers for jesus, racist haters
Obviously, none worked as waiters
Think can be nasty, but expect respect
At 'pearly gates' won't like soul inspect
About the planet, Hawai'i w/ shakes
On or near surface hot rock bakes
Sun remains covered in huge spots
Any could send Earth reminder shots
Southern US, 'specially Texass
Has big heat still kicking ass
Sunbeams shining back into my space
Next month, loss of light to gain pace
Hurricane formation, a lull, likely brief
Dry air & dust, wind shear, w/ relief
Slows spin with input of Saharan sand
'Canes back in Sept., sea heat in command
'Til then, we will bask in the cool
In Chicago, Kamala & Tim rule!!
Anywhere he goes, donnie, mo' drool
'Rich' whining punk, ok to be cruel
It is kinda sad, that w/ his fake money
Can't buy any's really funny
Today On Earth

Beef on the hoof back in field
Future as steaks, best not revealed:)

What do lil vlady & fat donnie have in common
Both are haters into world slimin'
And, both like it up the butt..??

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