Thursday, August 8, 2024

And, Here Comes The Rain..

Debby's first band just hit here
How much, how long, it ain't clear
What is clear, it's gonna rain
Drought relief or serious pain
Japan got rocked, 7.1 quake
Huge sunspots almost look fake
But, they are not, sending CME our way
Volcano list, 18, seems an underplay
Ghina, joining space pollution club
Too many satellites is the rub
Soon, we will not see any stars
Just streaks, next step, space wars
Boeing(boing..) crew still on ISS
No door guarantee, a corporate mess
But, you think it's bad now
donnie 'wins'...then holy cow
Joe's right, douche won't admit defeat
Use immunity, lock him up, sweeet
Word today, keep it dry
Cuz we know, rain & wind'll fly
Today On Earth

He's not laying there today
lil wet!!

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