Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hurricane vs Typhoon: Earth Only Winner

While Bermuda's battered, Japan is too
Earth is HOT, what's a planet to do
Gotta get that heat spread about
And, we only guess at a storm's route
But, for a guarantee, there will be more
Yet still major warming we ignore
Not that August has been hot here
Minor blip, then back to cool & clear
Not true elsewhere, fires & floods
Trashed towns, in ashes & muds
Texass, nasty worms on their beaches
But, they won't listen as Earth teaches
Chuck Todd w/ donnie observation
That's really causing major frustration
Now, he doesn't get his rematch w/ Joe
And, his age & senility continue to grow
Can only remember same old tired lies
Course, TDS*.. deplorables, still buys
JD still whining, praising family
As to divorced rapist he bends a knee
Real issue...all feasts come to an end
And, to 8 billion Earth will not bend
No water is really fresh, no air clean
No where on planet plastic not seen
Ice is melting, running into the sea
And, few women remain truly free
Sperm donors, strut, remain in charge
W/ wars & greed, chaos looms large
Sun & quake issues are minor today
But, we know change is coming our way
Even locally, millions on water, none seen
Promises on dreams, prospects lean
Still.. idiot liars pontificate
'Bout 'merica & great
For workable solutions, we all wait
Seems we get to vote 'joy' or 'hate'
Be nice to see a little joy...
Today On Earth!!

Would ya look at that shit!!
Not sure who dropped that bomb
Young bear..??

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
You bought his lie
Too stupid to let it die..

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