Sunday, August 4, 2024

Floriduuh.. Say Hello To Debby!!

In the land of hate & reality denial
Earth is putting Floriduuh on trial
Soon be begging for federal aid
Even as taxes are hating to be paid
Debby seems ready to rain & stall
W/ heat of Gulf, she gonna have a ball
Big ole wind & tornadoes, too
But, it's the water w/ the royal screw
Maybe a tree onto governor's house:)
Deserved for the hateful evil louse
On the sun, the spot blasts rage on
In evening skies, aurora song
No big quakes anywhere on land
It's the atmosphere in command
Here, as usual, another storm miss
Just enough to add to steaminess
More chance lie ahead
Me.. trying not to get dead..
Today on Earth

What scratched this spot bare
Wild in the woods

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