Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Furnace Blast...Foreshadowing!!

For us, just a one day heat freak
Just north, relief they'll need to seek
W/ a bonus of wild wind & rain
This Earth we've created..a real pain
Still the planet does not care at all
If humans live or take dinosaur fall
Our star continues to blast Earth
At hi-lats, auroras given birth
In Texass, bigger than human survival
Into dem homes, gestapo arrival
Still looking to change last election
Know if vote fair, they get rejection
Lies, theft, intimidation has the OK
W/ a fascist supreme court at play
When party head's a lying con man
Strong arm theft remains the plan
doonie's win, USA declares bankruptcy
Women on streets we will not see
Posers for jesus, a hateful theocracy
Rapists allowed to roam free
Social Security, the past
Public education, it will not last
Li'l vlady & lil kim, consult for doonie
No 'merican girl will ever want a pony
Solar & wind..against the law
EV's will not get very far
FEMA aid will not be coming
Border sealed, but if inside, bumming
doonies new GOP hater plan
You better be poser for jesus man...
Today it's the heat, no quake concerns
But, still many a'forest burns
But, a little rain, shrooms pop
We may be gone..fungus won't stop
Today On Earth

Line of shrooms
Streaming off into the sunshine

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