Friday, August 16, 2024

Ernesto There, Low Humidity Here, CME's Coming

If you get your eclipse shades out
Spot 3784 will make you shout
It continues to blast Earth's way
Lighting hi-lat skies everyday
Mag 6.1 quake just east of Taiwan
As they wish Ghina navy was gone
Speakin' of evil, there's donnie trump
Got no plans, so nasty on the stump
Keeps telling the same old tired lies
Can't remember the truth..I surmise
Here, we're still in weather catbird seat
Just east, Bermuda, things less sweet
Ernesto flexes its big ole winds
To eastern seaboard, swells it sends
I'm sure we'll hear of rip current deaths
Heeding warnings out of 'merican depths
Add Monday's Full moon to the mix
Will prove, sand you cannot a-fix
Beach: just a river of sand
Bending to the waves every demand
Our cool & dry remains a delight
And, no big heat, seems in sight
Is it really August?
Today On Earth..

Hard to spot
But dozens of tomatoes
Sweet lil morsels

Of course, Jews & ARabs still at war
Little vlady, ass kicking at his door!!
Just like his buddy donnie..

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