Friday, August 2, 2024

OMFG!! I'm All A'Flutter...

So..Mr Healthy, active & smug
Found out, had a minor bug
Seems my heart was all a'flutter
Racing along, but now, tis better
Heat warnings are the rage today
Staying in AC, seems the right play
Italy got a good little shaking
But, for most of us, it's the air a'baking
Sun sending CME Earth's way
Perhaps auroras into the USA
Off Cuba, Debby not a storm yet
Floriduuh weekend, could be wet
Maybe even if Debby hangs on
Gov. ronnie, warming, it ain't gone
And, you ain't woke but in denial
Sunshine state needs you on trial
Lock you up w/ your buddy don
Then the world could move on
Kamala will get things right
donnie in jail, wonderful sight
Today On Earth

Another look
A lovely pair

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