Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Li'l Heat, Li'l Rain..

It got hot & muggy yesterday
Then w/ a boom..was washed away
Mostly a miss here, as now, usual
Barely got in my sun dried towel:)
0.3" total was all we got, not bad
Beyond here, near flooding they had
Heat is coming back for today
Tomorrow the heat peak, we'll pay!
Sun blasting, but weak storms here
Still a comet hangs, for a Fall appear
Gibbous crescent is our moon
Setting just past midday - noon:)
Average quakes - minor local issues
Iceland, still lava from 4 mile fissures
New disturbance in Atlantic basin
In Pacific, several, kinda chasin'
It's Earth, there's always some chaos
Politics, donnie planning for the loss
Got the same lies ready to do
Poor rich guy..getting the screw
Whiny 'rich' punk-ass bitch
Maybe try a reality switch
We're over the same tired crap
But, TDS* still in the con trap
Today On Earth

Li'l rain
Out come the efts
They damn sure don't care about

He's too stupid to pronounce
She should go w/ doonie
Cuz he a looney
*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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