Monday, August 19, 2024

Actual Rain Here!! Plains Cooking Again!!

As Ernesto continues to wash sand away
Big August heat has come back to stay
In TDS*, warming denial, flyover land
Warming getting attention it does demand
Global warming ain't coming, it's here
Deny all ya want, the reality is so clear
Same as denying fat donnie's a liar
And that IRan is just thugs for hire
Dems ready to party up in Chicago
As idiot ragheads ready for protest show
Why are so many palestinians here?
Cuz they ruined homeland, it's so clear
In Gaza, even polio is coming back
Maybe better planning before ya attack
Started a war now they want to whine
Sure, jews never did treat them fine
Praise their gods of peace, but lotta hate
And, constant prayer ain't working great
jews, muslims, christians all the same
All with the evil 'right to hate' claim
But, if they only had kids they could feed
Be no need to migrate, whine about need
What we all should be doing
Is not giving our only world a screwing
Cutting back on oil that we burn..
Buying crap then having to return..
Using water like we all have a right..
Fighting wars to show off our might..
Kid's focus, phone, shoes & braided hair
Of readin' 'riting & 'rithmetic unaware
But, they all know that self-esteem
If ya can't read is just a dream
But, can prove your worth w/ a gun
Then you're ready for 'merican style fun
But, at solar maximum we have arrived
In 2 years...will we have survived
Or will big blast fry the grid
Few places, overdue for a big quake
Weather extremes, no hint of a break
For now, just usual reminders..
Few quakes along plate binders
We're in for another sweet week
Cool & dry, major August tweek
Even got rain last night
For moment, drought is outta sight
We'll take it..
Today On Earth

A real turkey
Unlike the in name only turkeys
trump & vance
TDS* in a stupidity trance

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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