Saturday, August 31, 2024

In The Stationary Zone.. But, Atlantic Stirs

Cool air thru then it stalls
Ran into dixie humidity walls
Now it's oozing back up our way
Humid but cool, clouds to stay
In the seas well south of here
3 areas w/ intentions quite clear
Move the heat, stir up a storm
September looms, hurricane swarm
20 years since Gaston trashed RVA
27 since Princess Diana passed away
AND even before social media in play
Now it's everyone w/ the petty cracra
Sun keeps CME's coming Earth's way
Even into US auroras delight & sway
Doony trump, trespass on sacred ground
TDS* claim patriotic, but not a sound
Surprised can walk w/ draft dodging spurs
Sadly, his election, fascism insures
But, more good than bad in USA
And, in fair election he's blown away
Already claiming the loser's lies
Every day the truth he denies
But, the truth that's all too real
All he's got, he did steal
In my bit of woods, trees keep dying
World Wide Warming, it ain't lying
Few good shakes around the Ring
And, mo' from evil fracking thing
As we destroy/pollute our one home
Humans got no place left to roam
Yet, overbreeding hordes they come
Pray to lame 'gods', brains on numb
Men continue to Blame It On Eve
(Go Shemekia!!)
But, the Earth you can't deceive..
Not long ago, not
Today On Earth
Thanks Wioleta Gorecka!!
Equatorial star trails

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
They believe anything..

Friday, August 30, 2024

When They Say.. Storms Will Explode.. They Mean EXPLODE!!

From nothing to crazy in little time
Then quickly to insanity..not sublime
Only 2 or 3" here, to north 6"+
Tennis ball hail, streams in full gush
Not surprised schools were closed
W/ power & flooding dangers posed
Seems HS is still powerless..
Betting the forest will be a mess
But, front is thru, heat mostly gone
Is an early Fall coming on..??
I'm betting not..
Still be plenty of hot..
Francine's about to spin up in Atlantic
Still plenty of 'cane panic
Solar blasts keep lighting up the sky
Malin Englund gave her green dress a try
Live in Sweden, be ready for aurora shot
Seaside arch..short!!
Mag. 6.0 quake off Kamchatka shore
Elsewhere, minor stuff..there will be more
Guessing..still campaigns going on
Still several wars blasting on
Lots of fires..burning on
More flooding still ragin' on
Into US people & drugs comin' in
Any US photo, no one lookin' thin
doonie already lying, he's gotta win
Posers for jesus, ok w/ his sin
SINS..many many sins
Today On Earth

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Still Hot, Let's Add Stormy... No, Not Her..

Forecast is for wild weather later today
Hit or miss, who can really say
It is gonna be muggy & hot
And, sun gonna send another shot
But, Venus is getting a bigger blast
Solar max still has not past..
19 volcanoes on week's eruption list
Around the Ring, they oozed & hissed
Iceland, by 9 sq. miles continues to grow
Sadly, Blue Lagoon.. closed the show
A few big quakes, most just offshore
'Cept Afghans, w/ allah, will endure:)
In Atlantic, perhaps stirring up Francine
In S. F Dakota, shocker! Tornado scene
More mayhem is likely today
Earth, gettin' excess heat outta the way
Still, on we burn the oil & breed
Unprepped parents..oh help me feed
Millions spent keeping mutants alive
Main focus, helping the healthy survive
Mushrooms don't care..
Little rain, spores they share..
Today On Earth

Never seen a frog on one?!?!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Furnace Blast...Foreshadowing!!

For us, just a one day heat freak
Just north, relief they'll need to seek
W/ a bonus of wild wind & rain
This Earth we've created..a real pain
Still the planet does not care at all
If humans live or take dinosaur fall
Our star continues to blast Earth
At hi-lats, auroras given birth
In Texass, bigger than human survival
Into dem homes, gestapo arrival
Still looking to change last election
Know if vote fair, they get rejection
Lies, theft, intimidation has the OK
W/ a fascist supreme court at play
When party head's a lying con man
Strong arm theft remains the plan
doonie's win, USA declares bankruptcy
Women on streets we will not see
Posers for jesus, a hateful theocracy
Rapists allowed to roam free
Social Security, the past
Public education, it will not last
Li'l vlady & lil kim, consult for doonie
No 'merican girl will ever want a pony
Solar & wind..against the law
EV's will not get very far
FEMA aid will not be coming
Border sealed, but if inside, bumming
doonies new GOP hater plan
You better be poser for jesus man...
Today it's the heat, no quake concerns
But, still many a'forest burns
But, a little rain, shrooms pop
We may be gone..fungus won't stop
Today On Earth

Line of shrooms
Streaming off into the sunshine

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Li'l Heat, Li'l Rain..

It got hot & muggy yesterday
Then w/ a boom..was washed away
Mostly a miss here, as now, usual
Barely got in my sun dried towel:)
0.3" total was all we got, not bad
Beyond here, near flooding they had
Heat is coming back for today
Tomorrow the heat peak, we'll pay!
Sun blasting, but weak storms here
Still a comet hangs, for a Fall appear
Gibbous crescent is our moon
Setting just past midday - noon:)
Average quakes - minor local issues
Iceland, still lava from 4 mile fissures
New disturbance in Atlantic basin
In Pacific, several, kinda chasin'
It's Earth, there's always some chaos
Politics, donnie planning for the loss
Got the same lies ready to do
Poor rich guy..getting the screw
Whiny 'rich' punk-ass bitch
Maybe try a reality switch
We're over the same tired crap
But, TDS* still in the con trap
Today On Earth

Li'l rain
Out come the efts
They damn sure don't care about

He's too stupid to pronounce
She should go w/ doonie
Cuz he a looney
*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

Monday, August 26, 2024

A Look Ahead To September...

September 2024 - On & Off Earth

What happened to August? The hot and steamy heart of summer was replaced by an imposter this year. In earlier times (10 years ago..) an occasional Canadian air mass would push through and linger for a day or two before the sultry summer air returned; not in 2024. While August began and will end with a blast of heat, cool and dry has ruled this year. The extended look into September has the cooler drier trend continuing.

Maybe it was to be expected. The string of record breaking heat, month after month for over a year, was broken in July. That said, much of Earth swelters on, our pleasant weather much more the exception than the rule. And, delightful as an August with low humidity is, it still has us locked into serious drought conditions. We also, mostly, dodged Hurricane Debby’s wrath but more rain would have been nice.

Recent wind shear, coupled with dry, dust laden air off the Sahara has shut down the hurricane conveyor belt in the Atlantic for the moment. With change the ever present reality on Earth, those conditions are beginning to shift. Over a century of records puts the peak of the big, bad storm season on September 10th. We are far from done with the 2024 hurricane season. We should, however, be thankful our technology gives us plenty of lead time on pending storms. Just 70 years ago they really had no idea how or where hurricanes even formed!

Back 500 years, a clever German, Johannes Kepler, studied Mars over several years and building on the new, radical idea that the Earth was not the center of the universe realized planets (and moons) orbited in ovals, not perfect circles. What later became his Laws of Planetary Motion calculated that planets travelled more slowly in the more distant part of that oval orbit. We were farthest from our nearby star on July 5th this year. Spring and summer stretch out for 186 days, fall and winter a mere 179.

That extra time sets the stage for a special Full Harvest Moon on September 17th. It will be both Super and Blue AND will graze Earth’s shadow for a partial eclipse. The Super (or King) part is because this full moon is only a day from perigee and close to Earth; Earth’s oceans will slosh up extreme tides. The blue part is old school Blue Moon, four full moons in one season. The first, just one day past the Summer Solstice, the fourth of summer, four days prior to the Fall Equinox. (No, it will not appear blue!). It may appear dimmer on the upper edge as it slides across our shadow, the peak of the partial eclipse is at 10:44pmEDT that night. The bright ‘star’ just right of the Full moon is Saturn.

Our tilted, oval orbit moves us to solar equilibrium, the Autumnal Equinox, at 8:44amEDT on September 22rd. Our sunlight bending atmosphere pushes the twelve hours of equal light and dark back to the 25th; sunrise and set both at 7:01 that day. Our solar view changes from Leo into Virgo on the 17th.

September, always a month with big changes, is unlikely to disappoint this year. As kids, parents and teachers settle into the school year, those without school ties set off on adventures with smaller crowds but still summer-like air and water temperatures. In the forest, trees begin to show some color and cut their losses, non-productive leaves let go. The vibrant reds of dogwoods and tupelos foreshadowing the wild color displays ahead. Much will depend on the magic elixir, water. Let us all hope for some rain, just, maybe not in the shape of a hurricane!
Visitor last night...he was not welcome...
Not...Today On Earth

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Real August Pushes Back!!

If the real August is heat & humidity
Then..there hasn't been much to see
But, deep summer is about to return
Our dry world, hopefully, won't burn
Out in space, NASA w/ Boeing solution
As SpaceX continues satellite pollution
An 8 day visit will now be 8 months long
Seems, if from Boeing these days; wrong
All as the sun remains covered in spots
Wrapping Earth in solar wind shots
Hi-lat auroras only issues so far
But, still getting wild, our local star
In Pacific, Hurricane Hone visits Hawai'i
Usual storm stuff they're gonna see
Atlantic dealing w/ wind shear & dry air
Storm conveyer undergoing repair
September likely to see a new surge
Be storm savvy I'd like to urge
In mo' hard to believe GOP news
donnie & jrRFK w/ loose screws
Both will believe & say anything
Family money & misogyny on a fling
Sad JD feeling left out...ouch!!
Guess, can always go back to a couch
New reality, from living on a phone
Those 'likes' & 'friends'...still alone
Short attention spans, few skills
Will swallow any on-line pills
Parents looking for someone to blame
It ain't me..same 'merican claim
How dare they hold my crazy son down
How dare they shoot hatchet man clown
If George Floyd, sober & w/ family
His sad death we would never see
Want your issues to come to a halt
Look in mirror, say, 'it's my fault'
Cuz no one else really cares
About all your whining 'shares'
Certainly not this planet..
Today On Earth

Brave fungus
Using last of the moisture
To give breeding a try!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Perfect Symbol For donnie's GOP!!

Wandering, looking for new snack to try
A bald eagle, that was too fat to fly
🦤 🦅 🐧
Perfect symbol for donnie's 'new' GOP
Overeating leading to morbid obesity
Actually, perfect for much of 'merica
W/ broken 'health' care system..well, duh
Can't run, can barely walk
Out of mouth, stupid talk
donnie excited about support from jrRFK
Both w/ chunks of brain eaten away
Both w/ nasty rudeness on display
Beyond fascism, no plans coming our way
Here, Premier League week 2
ManU only 1, Brighton HA w/ 2
Now it's City vs Ipswich Town
My guess, farmers going down
But, 12 minutes in, already 1-1
At Etihad, long way from done
2 more minutes, City 2-1!!
Craaaazy fun!!
DeBruyne/Haaland 3-1!!
Weather wise, still semi-cool
But, tis August heat again to rule
Quakes today, biggest only 4.9
Small solar blasts, we'll be fine
It's Saturday, real football's on
So..this blog..I'm gone
Today On Earth

House snake
Cruisin' the yard!!

1 greedy tree rat did not fair well
So, Breyer said farewell

Friday, August 23, 2024

Kamala W/ Powerhouse Finale... Heat Set For Return To Reality

As donnie bashing continued in Chicago
"Kamala Harris has been black a lot 
longer than trump has been republican!"
Kamala put the final cap on the show
Final reminder of donnie's return & evil
And that American pride he didn't steal
She reclaimed patriotism & true freedom
From lame 'new' GOP w/ a 'leader' so dumb
A reminder: donnie ain't no leader
Just a fat, lying tweeter
He don't drink & at golf, a cheater
& Endorsed by 'merican wife beaters
Up in Iceland, year's eruption #8
On boundary/hot spot, never a long wait
Hawai'i quake numbers are down
W/ our cool temps, hard to frown
But, that is gonna change & soon
August gonna close w/ big heat tune
Any heat break in August is a treat
Soon, indoors we'll have to retreat
Sadly, no rain in the forecast
Drought conditions gonna last
We'll see how long the creek hangs on
But, at least, dumped hounds are gone
Sunspots, many & most are huge
W/ big blast, ain't no refuge
Well, maybe underground & unplugged
Have to hope we don't get slugged
And, that in an election landslide
donnie to jail, return of national pride
Kamala..proved her worth
Today On Earth

This lil lizard would be
better president
than donnie!!

Another great line..
donnie's about to find out what
it's like
To be left for a younger woman!!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

What Month Is This??

Cool temps & low humidity..
That ain't very Augusty
Now..down in Texass it is hot
And, our star, covered in spots
Crazy auroras going on up north
Dems, just how much is donnie worth?
Claims to be a billionaire
Where's the money? that ain't clear
And, why's a rich guy whine so much
Cuz his wife refuses his touch?
Here, abandoned hounds in the woods
Local TDS* jesus posers in hoods?
Betting they'd brag of their christianity
Then remove collars let old dogs free
One thing about donnie's GOP
Even bigger into hateful hypocrisy
Round the Ring, volcanoes spewing
Plus, Etna & Stromboli, lava viewing
No big quakes, local issues only
But, eclipse shades..spots you'll see
Still a year from this solar peak
Record spots, sun going freak
Time for an August walk in the cool
Enjoy it now, heat'll soon rule..
Today On Earth

Ursa Major
Still around..
Maybe a hound snack??

*TDS - TrumpDickSuckers
Poor lil vlady, he's been invaded!!
Kick his ass, Ukraine..

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Almost Chilly.. Obamas Slap donnie Silly we consider putting on a jacket
In Chi-town, Obama's w/ quite a racket
Told it like it is about the fat con man
As donnie seeks to ruin 'merica, again
But, main message: Get out the Vote!
Then donnie's GOP truly a sinking boat
Cuz Republican party is long gone
It's donnie's fascist that have come on
Hateful blamers denying reality
Screamin' 'bout god only they can see
Cuz jesus about whom I was schooled
Taught that kindness & peace ruled
Today's posers for jesus, racist haters
Obviously, none worked as waiters
Think can be nasty, but expect respect
At 'pearly gates' won't like soul inspect
About the planet, Hawai'i w/ shakes
On or near surface hot rock bakes
Sun remains covered in huge spots
Any could send Earth reminder shots
Southern US, 'specially Texass
Has big heat still kicking ass
Sunbeams shining back into my space
Next month, loss of light to gain pace
Hurricane formation, a lull, likely brief
Dry air & dust, wind shear, w/ relief
Slows spin with input of Saharan sand
'Canes back in Sept., sea heat in command
'Til then, we will bask in the cool
In Chicago, Kamala & Tim rule!!
Anywhere he goes, donnie, mo' drool
'Rich' whining punk, ok to be cruel
It is kinda sad, that w/ his fake money
Can't buy any's really funny
Today On Earth

Beef on the hoof back in field
Future as steaks, best not revealed:)

What do lil vlady & fat donnie have in common
Both are haters into world slimin'
And, both like it up the butt..??

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Thank You Joe!! Ernesto Still A Go!!

President Biden had his say last night
He hammered donnie, he got it right!
But, David Brooks made a good point
It's a good thing he's outta the joint
Otherwise, it's just 2 screaming old guys
Now, just one, in a thin traitor disguise
Not that donnie is actually thin.. he fat
And, ranting & lying still where he at
Joe's one line did all the tellin'
We need a prosecutor not convicted felon
All as donnie calling, benny, the king jew
Beggin' no cease fire, what he should do
Both slime bags trying to avoid jail
With no desire for democracy to prevail
Fat donnie already killed border deal
Gearing up to claim another election steal
But, looking for Kamala to kick his ass
Then revoke his get-outta-jail pass
This, as Ernesto heads to the UK
And, Hawai'i w/ mo' lava at play
As we lounge in an early October day
Rain/front washed August heat away
Sunspot record about to be smashed
SpaceX..our atmosphere trashed
Dozens of satellites & rocket fuel
Still we continue w/ the Earth re-tool
Unwilling to accept the fact
Earth is only set to react..
We add the CO2
Extra heat can't get thru
Use Venus for comparison
To do that to Earth...embarrassin'
Today On Earth

It was just gonna be a salad
then the love flowed..


Monday, August 19, 2024

Actual Rain Here!! Plains Cooking Again!!

As Ernesto continues to wash sand away
Big August heat has come back to stay
In TDS*, warming denial, flyover land
Warming getting attention it does demand
Global warming ain't coming, it's here
Deny all ya want, the reality is so clear
Same as denying fat donnie's a liar
And that IRan is just thugs for hire
Dems ready to party up in Chicago
As idiot ragheads ready for protest show
Why are so many palestinians here?
Cuz they ruined homeland, it's so clear
In Gaza, even polio is coming back
Maybe better planning before ya attack
Started a war now they want to whine
Sure, jews never did treat them fine
Praise their gods of peace, but lotta hate
And, constant prayer ain't working great
jews, muslims, christians all the same
All with the evil 'right to hate' claim
But, if they only had kids they could feed
Be no need to migrate, whine about need
What we all should be doing
Is not giving our only world a screwing
Cutting back on oil that we burn..
Buying crap then having to return..
Using water like we all have a right..
Fighting wars to show off our might..
Kid's focus, phone, shoes & braided hair
Of readin' 'riting & 'rithmetic unaware
But, they all know that self-esteem
If ya can't read is just a dream
But, can prove your worth w/ a gun
Then you're ready for 'merican style fun
But, at solar maximum we have arrived
In 2 years...will we have survived
Or will big blast fry the grid
Few places, overdue for a big quake
Weather extremes, no hint of a break
For now, just usual reminders..
Few quakes along plate binders
We're in for another sweet week
Cool & dry, major August tweek
Even got rain last night
For moment, drought is outta sight
We'll take it..
Today On Earth

A real turkey
Unlike the in name only turkeys
trump & vance
TDS* in a stupidity trance

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Kamchatka Quake & Volcano!!

Over in evil Russia's far, far east
Earth pressures have been released
A Mag 7.0 quake & an eruption
Would seem like total disruption
But, quake was deep, no tsunami wave
It's in the west were Russkies don't behave
Stalemate war w/ Ukraine destruction
For lil vlady, it's just prison reduction
Plus, he can brag when dick-tators meet
And, see fear on every Russkie street
Ernesto is down to tropical storm
But, still sending massive wave swarm
Washed another house in Rodanthe away
Fools build on sand, fools gonna pay
Here, another big storm w/ a miss
But, just enough to off me..piss
And add to the gross humidity
Another solar blast Earth did see
But, daytime when auroras shone
So, no sightings on any phone
I did find nearby yellow jacket nest
Dusk tonight, gonna kill me some pests
Time to get up and move
See if Man City is still in the groove
It's the real football season
Today On Earth..

At least they're eating grass
And not hostas

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hurricane vs Typhoon: Earth Only Winner

While Bermuda's battered, Japan is too
Earth is HOT, what's a planet to do
Gotta get that heat spread about
And, we only guess at a storm's route
But, for a guarantee, there will be more
Yet still major warming we ignore
Not that August has been hot here
Minor blip, then back to cool & clear
Not true elsewhere, fires & floods
Trashed towns, in ashes & muds
Texass, nasty worms on their beaches
But, they won't listen as Earth teaches
Chuck Todd w/ donnie observation
That's really causing major frustration
Now, he doesn't get his rematch w/ Joe
And, his age & senility continue to grow
Can only remember same old tired lies
Course, TDS*.. deplorables, still buys
JD still whining, praising family
As to divorced rapist he bends a knee
Real issue...all feasts come to an end
And, to 8 billion Earth will not bend
No water is really fresh, no air clean
No where on planet plastic not seen
Ice is melting, running into the sea
And, few women remain truly free
Sperm donors, strut, remain in charge
W/ wars & greed, chaos looms large
Sun & quake issues are minor today
But, we know change is coming our way
Even locally, millions on water, none seen
Promises on dreams, prospects lean
Still.. idiot liars pontificate
'Bout 'merica & great
For workable solutions, we all wait
Seems we get to vote 'joy' or 'hate'
Be nice to see a little joy...
Today On Earth!!

Would ya look at that shit!!
Not sure who dropped that bomb
Young bear..??

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
You bought his lie
Too stupid to let it die..

Friday, August 16, 2024

Ernesto There, Low Humidity Here, CME's Coming

If you get your eclipse shades out
Spot 3784 will make you shout
It continues to blast Earth's way
Lighting hi-lat skies everyday
Mag 6.1 quake just east of Taiwan
As they wish Ghina navy was gone
Speakin' of evil, there's donnie trump
Got no plans, so nasty on the stump
Keeps telling the same old tired lies
Can't remember the truth..I surmise
Here, we're still in weather catbird seat
Just east, Bermuda, things less sweet
Ernesto flexes its big ole winds
To eastern seaboard, swells it sends
I'm sure we'll hear of rip current deaths
Heeding warnings out of 'merican depths
Add Monday's Full moon to the mix
Will prove, sand you cannot a-fix
Beach: just a river of sand
Bending to the waves every demand
Our cool & dry remains a delight
And, no big heat, seems in sight
Is it really August?
Today On Earth..

Hard to spot
But dozens of tomatoes
Sweet lil morsels

Of course, Jews & ARabs still at war
Little vlady, ass kicking at his door!!
Just like his buddy donnie..

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Boeing.. Boing!!.. Stuck In Space! Surf's Up!!

Way above Earth on the ISS
Boeing has created a big mess
Helium leaks even before launch
Crew now stuck, mo' than long lunch
At least the doors stayed on..
But, need new ride to come along
Out in Atlantic, Ernesto grows
To Bermuda? Is where it goes?
All as SE still in Debby's flood
Can't even get to problem of mud
Just a taste of coming sea rise
To TDS* it's another denial surprise
Also no surprise, donnie's a mo-ron
Imagined lead over Joe, long gone
None of his current barbs will stick
Reality: got no plans, just a dick
Got no friends, got no love
To him love is just a money shove
Buy your wives, buy your 'friends'
So...lack of loyalty are your trends
JD has been no help at all
Thinks he's funny, jokes all fall
Another CME headed Earth's way
But, only minor auroras in play
No big quakes, just reminders
Fault zones, not good binders
20 volcanoes on week's list
Just subduction, Earth ain't pissed
Earth's a planet that don't care
But, to continue, should be aware
Of the changes racing our way
Like east coast sand going away
But, while swimmers should hide
Surf's Up, get ready to ride!!
Today On Earth

Not Charleston..
But similar look...

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker