Sunday, July 21, 2024

Still Muggy..Just Not As Hot... 'Cept In Houston

As poser for jesus Greggg toured the world
Back at home, the new reality unfurled
Too bad to Joe & feds ya gotta beg
Texass grid only goal, make easy money
Only plan for light breezes & sunny
But, when you deny the new reality
Death & mayhem you're gonna see
So, close the border & burn your oil
But, the future is here, Texass will boil
Guatemala rather shaky(6.2) today
New excuse to send breeders our way
Come on, visit Texass, pretend for work
But really to let your horde go berserk
From the sun, minor geomagnetic storm
Out on the Plains, twisters'll swarm
Usual fires, deluges & floods
Watch the landslides, clean up the muds
Earth is just answering gravity's call
Physical laws rule us all
Suckers continue to kneel & pray
Still no help coming their way
TDS* spread donnie's message of hate
Like he could make 'merica great
He's the reason things are so bad
W/ Nero, Hitler, Stalin, worst ever had
Mix in lil Vlady & his buddy ugly Xi
Iran, lil Kim, Jews, no where to flee
Cuz Jews like blacks that hate whites
Thinking their racism is just alright
Ancient man-gods justify the haters game
Power & money..always the same
Problem remains sperm donor men
Pretend fathers, efforts are thin
Sadly, so many babies, gonna die
Cuz greedy men..set world on FRY
Least not here...
Today On Earth

Old oaks..
No climate change...idiots

*TDS - TrumpDickSuckers
Hey Noem..shot any dogs lately?
Sure MT Greene would help..

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